Friday, January 29, 2010

Pelosi: Bipartisanship is Great...But Not Really

The wondrous Nancy Pelosi never ceases to disappoint. After the President's multitudinous yet hollow calls for bipartisanship on healthcare reform during the State of the Union address, and after the Democrats have repeatedly accused the GOP of refusing to work with themselves on healthcare, Pelosi contradicts:

"We...have the responsibility, if we can't find...common ground, to stand our ground on principles," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, rejecting bipartisanship as a goal unto itself. "If we can't find a bipartisan way to do it, we are not going to say, 'Well, if it is not bipartisan, we are not going to do it.' We are going to do what we believe."

In other words: even though the American people don't want our stupid healthcare bill, we are going to forcefeed it to em'. If you don't want in, then to hell with you.

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