Saturday, October 9, 2010

Meet Your Meat...If You Dare

Feast your eyes upon the grotesque matter that is known as "mechanically separated meat". This photograph, which has gone viral over the past week or so, candidly exposes the stuff of which chicken nuggets, hot dogs, and bologna are made.

There it is, a pink, gelatinous batter, coiled soft-serve style like a freshly-minted cat turd. It looks like no poultry that I have ever seen. If chickens were intelligent beings, they would look at this pasty, pink mush and wonder how it ever could have been recognizably one of their own. Then they might compare its makers with Hitler and call for a coalition of the willing to end this monstrous practice.

I wouldn't blame them. I am a proponent of eating meat, and veganism/animal rights activism pisses me off. However, the photograph above is a damning indictment of just how low our nutrition standards have become. If you want chicken, eat chicken. Don't eat hardened chicken glue.

Apparently, there was once something called "mechanically separated beef" as well. It is now illegal to produce such beef products due to health regulations. If mechanically separated beef is illegal, then the legally acceptable chicken-stuff must not be terribly far behind on the unhealthiness scale.

For having such a high standard of living, Americans sure do love to eat shit. No wonder our national waistline is expanding.