Saturday, December 12, 2009

Coming Soon to the Western World: Chinese Reproductive Policy

According to the Canadian Financial Post's Diance Francis, the whole world ought to adopt China's one-child policy, due to our problems with overpopulation.

That anyone in the western world would seek to impose the Chinese government's brutal, totalitarian reproductive policy on anyone else is frightening. A couple's freedom to have more than one child is so basic and essentially sacred that only a complete left-wing fanatic could suggest this.

One imagines a white-washed office, staffed by people rehearsed in Pelosian talking points, with posters on the wall that boast sweet, politically-correct nothings like "Strength Through Selectivity", "Healthy Communities Now", and "Family Wellness Planning: Your Right". At bulletproof teller windows, smiling government bureaucrats will hand out reproductive licenses, process applications for babymaking, and so on. Behind the partition, a phone bank is set up, to which good citizens can call and report "unauthorized reproductive activity" to some DSS-style social workers who will promptly dispatch the offenders to punitive sterilization clinics (though these will be given some kind of nice, friendly-sounding name, like "Family Service Centers", or something). Illicit children? They can be retroactively aborted, of course.

Does this sound good to you, Ms. Francis?

Of course, if you call a communist a communist, outrage and whining ensue. Diane Francis, and those like her, are always the first to complain when their communist ideas earn them the accompanying monikers from all the mean, freedom-loving people who disagree with them. Yet what other adjectives can you ascribe to this stuff? It's the wishful thinking of the Obama age. The government should control everything, yes, even the number of children you have.

Sadly, I wouldn't put it past certain elements among the U.S. left to try to consolidate this kind of power with the federal government. They despise the family unit, and they value massive government intrusion on social matters, as the recent healthcare debacle shows.

I actually find it hard to muster much more of a rebuttal to the article in question, beyond my acute anger and disgust that such garbage is even published anywhere west of Beijing. Arguing with the devil is not difficult, but it is tiring. Francis' proposition is so blatantly opposed to the precepts of a free society, so brutish, so narrow-minded, so Orwellian, that picking it apart further would seem unneccesary.

If anyone does agree with this crap: please move to Canada. You will find plenty of other socialist morons that feel the same way, and you can set up whatever sort of reproductive police state you like. Hopefully, we'll still be here to laugh at you when your society has withered and failed.

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