Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Harry Reid Painting With Broad Strokes: "Unemployed Men Are Abusive"

That wondrous assclown Senator Harry Reid of Nevada has struck again.

"Women don't have jobs either, but women aren’t abusive, most of the time," he said. "Men, when they're out of work, tend to become abusive," the majority leader added. "Our domestic crisis shelters in Nevada are jammed.”

Allow me to dissect this. First, Reid is making a tremendously broad generalization. Second, he is weakening himself along moderate voters by sounding like a paranoid feminist. Third, his comments make the state of Nevada look like a miserable place to live. If you were a senator, would you loudly proclaim that your state's domestic crisis shelters are "full" and that its unemployed men are a pack of abusive bastards!?

Why do politicians say things that are patently untrue, and make up false premises in order to serve their agendas? It is supremely insulting to those of us who actually know what is going on. We have let far too many senators, congressmen, and executive officials get away with this nonsense.

(Digression: NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and other similar organizations are likely cheering all of this alleged abuse, as it gives them a fresh swath of moral high ground on which they can pontificate about the evils of masculinity. Nothing makes feminist, pro-choice Nazis happier than crimes against women. I am willing to bet that they start using Reid's false statements in their promotional/PR materials.)

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